

Nothing is beneficial here!
Unlike most of the people i am young and recently started so am loving it and won't be quitting any time soon, or till i reach middle age like ya all...:p ( No Offense)
no offence taken......thing is though you are more likely to live to middle age and beyond if you are a non smoker.
I was a smoker. I never enjoyed it for that matter. I took a drag off a buddy's to see if it was the same. It was disgusting and for the life of me can't figure out why I started in the first place. I'm glad I gave it up.
I'm pretty sure every smoker loves it, but they would like to quit. Just to save the $5-$10 a day and improve their health.

I've been quit for 1 month now. Woohoo!

I've used V2 e-cigs to help me quit. They work pretty good and they're a lot cheaper than real tobacco. I know they're not really considered healthy, but they don't have any smoke, so there's 3 ingredients in the vapor vs the 5,000 in tobacco smoke.

I can breath a lot better and my stamina in the gym has almost doubled. Worth it...? Yes.

So yes. I went there. ;) lol.
Here's the starter kit I bought from V2:

It's usually on sale A LOT, so keep checking for a cheaper price. It's a lot upfront, but to me, the cost was worth it to move myself away from smoking tobacco.

Hey good for Darkstar - keep it up and remember that cravings pass in a few minutes. Probably not a good idea hanging on a thread with people talking about enjoying smoking. I've quite a few times for years at a time and when I start back up it's always from being around smokers. At a bar (in the old days when it was allowed) or whatnot. This last time it was because I started making them for my wife to save money...I was 8 years w/o smoking and thought it wouldn't effect me, handling the tobacco, tubes and finished smokes but one night I couldn't sleep because of my back thought I'd have just one, now I have a couple a day. The moral of the story is, don't fool yourself that you'll just have one. There are no ex-smokers, just smokers that haven't had one in X number of days.

Sent from somewhere in the desert west of Phoenix AZ from my iPhone 4S using

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