Cydia Based handheld gaming console? (jailbroken iPhone 4s)

Cydia Based handheld gaming console? (jailbroken iPhone 4s)

Chaos Condensate

New Member
Thread Starter
Nov 23, 2017
Reaction score
Very recently jailbroke my old iPhone 4s after upgrading to a hand-me-down 5s, and I'm planning to do the same with an old 2nd gen iPod i dug up from the depths of who knows where.

The original intent for doing the jailbreak was to turn the phone into a quasi gaming handheld since I don't have the money at the moment to buy something like a DS,PSP,(insert outdated handheld here), etc. and a bunch of games.

The phone is running on IOS 9.3.5 and was given a semi untethered jailbreak with phoenix (very good way to do it by the way), and very happily runs Cydia.

If anyone has any suggestions for game emulators, ports, home-brew, applications and games that are compatible,(or literally any other way to run decent games on it), that would be awesome.

anything i might need to use a bluetooth controller with aforementioned apps, etc would also be a big help

feel free to post any personal expirience with this kind of thing, or anything to be avoided as I am pretty new to the jailbreak community.

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