Deff CLEAVE iPhone 4 alumium case..

Deff CLEAVE iPhone 4 alumium case..


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Feb 24, 2011
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[ame=]YouTube - ‪Deff CLEAVE iPhone 4‬‏[/ame]

saw this on youtube, looks gorgeous..i would buy this in an instant, costs $39.99 bucks on..
looks like the case mate jett, and element vapor combined. i like how all the buttons are covered
what so you guys think?
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I just order one nice case for 39.00$ free shipping to canada ;-) , i just check the price on ebay 39.00 plus 29.00 for shipping.

Thank you for the post bro nice one

DO NOT BUY THIS: I just got two, online from Japan. Make no mistake, pretty shape, light, tough.

- firstly I have at least 6 iPhone connectors for the main connector, at least half of those are official Apple products, and NONE of them fitted through the hole in this bumper. Even the SendStation extender/adapter which is designed to solve this problem did not fit through the depth of this bumper. That's a show-stopper, as it takes minutes to remove the case.

- secondly to fit the bumper, even with screws and side piece removed, requires a slight bending of the bumper larger piece and slide onto phone, which is prone to GOUGE DEEP SCRATCHES in the edges of your iPhone. Even after I noticed this and was super careful it's very hard to avoid. Even with the foam cushions fitted.

- also the buttons rattle which is annoying.

Shame, really like the look, and it is light, and shows the back of the phone.

Also keep in mind, these must be ordered specifically for iPhone 4S or 4, they are not the same as mute button moved slightly. (but don't order one)
Most metal cases will affect the reception of 3G and wifi.
do not buy, effects signal. Aluminum is Aluminum and effects signal. sitting at home get 2 bars with case on, take the case off and get full bars. Doesn't matter if it is a fake or original, it's the aluminum. too bad because the case is nice, great look and feel but signal suffers.
What ever you do stay away from the metal cases you will do nothing but waste your money! the recpetion on your iphone will be horrible ! I had a blade by td designs and i only got 1 bar if any when indoors and outdoors id only get 3bars max ! Trust me you want to stay away from these cases !
not all cause signal issues i have one called "Sword" its actually a chinese knockoff of the "Apex Armor" case but close to 60 dollars cheaper and after seeing both side by side you cant tell a difference.

The sword did not affect my signal in any way shape or form... i also made sure there was no metal to metal touching so that might make the difference.


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