DIY White iPhone 4!

DIY White iPhone 4!


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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The white iPhone 4 is a mythical beast, as mysterious and elusive as a unicorn, or the Lock Ness Monster. There it sits on the official Apple online store iPhone page, taunting us all, an unobtainable object of desire. Anyone who can't bear to wait any longer for their white iPhone 4 could do worse than check out this useful feature on MacNewsWorld, which shows you how to make your own! Check out the full article for the complete breakdown, but you'll need a Phillips head screw driver and a plastic spudger, plus assorted parts, including a white back iPhone cover and white front glass, digitizer, and LCD assembly. Obviously, this is only for those who don't mind the risks involved in tinkering with the innards of their iPhone, and you should be sure to take note of all the important steps to remember as outlined in the step-by-step guide, especially the bit about grounding yourself, taking your time, and using quality parts. The rest of us will just have to keep waiting on the official one. Sigh.

Source: MacNewsWorld
lol the white one is ugly any way.. doesent matter when its released...

they managed to have one on display at the wwdc this year though.
i have the white cf vinyl on mine. ppl keep asking me all the time how and where did i get the white iphone. i just say it exclusive ;]
i have the white cf vinyl on mine. ppl keep asking me all the time how and where did i get the white iphone. i just say it exclusive ;]

sneaky!! it must look very good like you got it from apple

yup it looks pretty authentic, only thing i didnt do was put the white vinyl on the menu button, cause i think that makes it look horrible. ill take apic when i get hoem to show it off :)
You can get one on e-bay for 1000$'s. Lol! :) another of apple just keeping the intrest high. probably have a whole wherehouse full waiting to ship. Just waiting for Jobs to push the button. :)
chinese call "a red dot on green",but tis call "black dot on black" lol

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