Greenpois0n or Limera1n?

Greenpois0n or Limera1n?


New Member
Thread Starter
Aug 13, 2010
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Coventry - UK
Should we wait for Limera1n as it rumoured to be a better jailbreak? Will the Dev Team get the new exploit added to Greenpois0n in time? I have Iphone 4 on 4.0.1, jailbroken of course.

Obviously 3rd gen users will wait for this new exploit, what are 4th gen users going to do? wait or go with GP.
Definitely I will inject tommorow a green poison into my iphone 4.
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I am new to the iPhone jailbreak. I def want to jailbreak. Just don't know what to do with my iPhone 4 and what is better
We have a dedicated thread for these questions......
greenpoison all the way cannot wait its like waiting for the bells at the new year lmao ..................kenny1690.............
Don't care, nothing like a little competition to dig in the spurs and get them working on the unlock!
I've decided to inject the posi0n, got a feeling there is going to be one more twist, its been like a soap opera. NO show stoppers please!
As my iP4 is jailbroke 4.0.2 that will get pois0ned tomoz.
My 3G is jailboke 3.1.2 it will get a bit wet with limera1n when released.

So it's both for me.
Limera1n works fine on my Iphone 4 4.1. Had to do a reboot after to get the icons to show the pics but that is about it.
hate to say I told you so, Geohot is a little *****

? Confused ? Explain.

I said in an earlier post that there would be more drama, Geohot has released limera1n forcing chronicdev team to not use shatter exploit which means greenposi0n will most likely be delayed. watching it all unfold on twitter, mental.

My advice, stay well clear of limera1n for now, its a BETA and many people are having problems with it.

fingers crossed GP will be released tomorrow if the dev team can implement limera1n into it.
I plan on sticking with the 4.01 jailbreakme for now. I want to see what if any bugs are in the new greenposion exploit. Then I will update and jailbreak when stable and worked out.
I plan on sticking with the 4.01 jailbreakme for now. I want to see what if any bugs are in the new greenposion exploit. Then I will update and jailbreak when stable and worked out.

Exactly how iam and gonna do :iphone4vert:
my phone got "rained on" works fine so far

Edit: cant get cydia to show up

Edit2: had to re-download and try again, works now haha

Edit3: how do you get limerain off one of your homescreens?
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