Has anyone's iPhone 6 plus bend yet?

Has anyone's iPhone 6 plus bend yet?

If you are concerned, get an Otterbox case for your iPhone 6 Plus. They are now available.
iPhone 6 Plus Cases Screen Protectors OtterBox


Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5
Well they deserve it after telling me all the Iphone 6 plus's were being recalled for bending when I was at their Best Buy Display. Said it real load too, not 1 but 3 employees. Will have to walk in and check out the Note's Gaps lol. Below is a picture of the Note 4 GapGate with a card inserted to show the gaps!


I think this "issue" is being blown out of proportion too. Two wrongs don't make it right.
Not really available. When you proceed through "buy" you're led to a "notify me" email capture.
That's because the OtterBox cases for the iPhone 6 plus are not yet ready for sale. Most manufacturers are bringing their iPhone 6 plus cases to market later than their offerings for the iPhone 6.
Anything can and will break if you put enough force on it. Why try to break it is my question

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
FWIW, if you're dumb enough to travel in a car for hours at a time with an iPhone 6 in your back pocket you deserve to have it bend. I'd bet my 5s would bend some if I drove around all the time with it in my back pocket. Common sense is a trait being lost fast these days...
After seeing so much news of peoples phones bending online, i wanted to know in the forum if any one occurred this common problem?

9 users out of 10 million is not even a speck on the horizon "common problem". The common problem is newspapers and media in general love this stuff that is the common problem.
FWIW, if you're dumb enough to travel in a car for hours at a time with an iPhone 6 in your back pocket you deserve to have it bend. I'd bet my 5s would bend some if I drove around all the time with it in my back pocket. Common sense is a trait being lost fast these days...
Common sense passed away in its sleep the other day

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I remember when the iPad was released and users were complaining that the iPad was over heating in direct sunlight and also they could not read there favorite books I guess it didn't matter that it was 90 f

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