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Mar 18, 2012
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Hello! My daughter has an 8GB iPhone 4 with firmware 5.1. She's been acting strange lately, and as a concerned parent, I'd like to jailbreak her phone in an attempt to keep an eye on her. Is there any way I can do an untethered jailbreak of 5.1 or at the very least downgrade the firmware? No, I do not have any of the SHSH files, as I was unaware she upgraded until it was too late. Please, I'll do anything to protect my daughter. She can't know that I'm doing this, so a tethered jailbreak won't work.
Thee is only a tethered jb for the ip4 at the moment on 5.1.

As a father of 3 myself, one being a teenage daughter i know where your coming from however you are infringing into the bounds of privacy here.

If your daughter finds out what your planning then the opposite effect could be pushing her further away and possibly ending up her rebelling even more !

Try talking to her as an adult to share your concerns.

You can use findmyiphone on a stock fone which would show the whereabouts of the phone, but as the younger generation are savvy nowadays your child could turn it off or leave the phone at a friends.

What tweaks were you actually thinking of using anyway. Im jb and can not really see any useful ones that would help !

Trust is a learning curve my friend.
I'm pretty sure we shouldn't be giving out advice on how to jailbreak someones phone without their consent. It may well be out of concern for your daughter, but nonetheless its fairly unethical.
Besides, not sure how jailbreaking is going to help. If you just need to track the location of the phone there are a number of ways to do this, jailbreaking isnt nessacary.
I'd be surprised if she puts her phone down long enough for you to do this, anyway;-)
Since the horse as already bolted, you can set a passcode on location services so that they cant be turned off. She may or may not notice that tho.
Since the horse as already bolted, you can set a passcode on location services so that they cant be turned off. She may or may not notice that tho.

Id like to bet she will !

One major issue would be getting her phone away from her too.

Any tampering with her iPhone will be noticed in a short space of time !

The OP is playing on thin ice with this.

How would you feel if someone kept tabs on your whereabouts ?

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