How much do Winterboard Themes affect Memory & Battery.

How much do Winterboard Themes affect Memory & Battery.


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Jan 9, 2013
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While on the subject, I wanted to ask a quick question. About how much do themes affect system & battery, especially battery. For instance, I'm using the theme S1 i5. It has round icons, day/night changing wallpaper, LockScreen, sounds, Velox & Auxo also themed. All of which can be dissabled.

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It depends. If you're heavily using widgets, naturally it'll strain your device as it has to dedicate resources to make sure that the widgets are constantly updating, especially if they require wifi/data to update. Dreamboard themes are hands down some of the more straining themes compared to Winterboard themes. Generally, if you're using a simple theme that changes the appearance of your device, maybe a clock widget, you shouldn't see a huge battery usage difference.
I use the elite6 winter board driven theme and with everything else mostly turned on I get around a days use.

My advice is to turn off the battery % sign and enjoy your phone the way you want to.
If I'm steadily surfing the web or Facebook or or something I get around 5 or 6 hours. Bluetooth, some Location, and all System Services in Locations are off.

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