If jailbreaking becomes illegal...

If jailbreaking becomes illegal...

I have not jailbrocken my phone I have found no need but then again I'veonly had it for one month. I think that what many of you say is true. The phones where not free and even if they were you can not give a gift and add conditions. I do not understand why would they be agains jailbraking we can chose to only use free apps and they can't force us to do otherwise. If they are set I think they can place a program that would tell them the phone was jailbrocken and thus they can refuse to fix it.
Unleashed said:
I would not buy either... I hate muscle cars ;p

am more of a Z4/SLK sports car person.

I'm guessing you're not from America then? Lol. Mustangs are my favorite cars. I'm on my 3rd one at 20 years old :)

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