iOS 10 features

iOS 10 features

I just noticed that when typing on here, sometimes one [emoji121]️ of the 3 [emoji403] boxes gives me the option to post a little picture of what l wanted to say. Just as l have done [emoji736] here.
I haven't changed anything

Gregory lsaacs r.i.p.
Just noticed iTunes has a new update 12.5.1
12.30 Europe time.

Gregory lsaacs r.i.p.
This update was released the same day that iOS 10 came out.

But when l backed my i things up l updated iTunes and now today l had to do it with this update could it have something to do with iOS 10.0.1 ?

Gregory Isaacs r.i.p.
I don't think so because iOS 10.0.1 was the initial public release version. There was no public release of iOS 10.0.
We know now with iOS10 that there is no slider and we use the home button on our iPhones and iPads.

I just had a thought......If the home button stops working....What then?
We know now with iOS10 that there is no slider and we use the home button on our iPhones and iPads.

I just had a thought......If the home button stops working....What then?
All I can think of is that in that case you'll need to get the home button replaced before being able to unlock the iPhone.
There's the soft home button in Accessibility. Unfortunately it will need invoking ahead of time.
There's the soft home button in Accessibility. Unfortunately it will need invoking ahead of time.
Apparently there is going to be the Raise to wake feature which should eliminate the need to press the home button....On iPhone at least.
I plan to turn off Raise to Wake and turn on "rest finger on home button" to use the Touch ID on my iPhone.