iOS 11 iPhone Problems, Issues and Bug Reports!

iOS 11 iPhone Problems, Issues and Bug Reports!

If you go to Settings>General>Accessibility>Display Accommodations, you'll find the Auto-Brightness switch.

Yikes! I never would have though to look there. Tnx! Battery drain is a bit much right now but I’ve doind it usually settles down later. Facebook appears to be the culprit!
Facebook appears to be the culprit!
Mine says FB is the culprit too, but weird it is happening right after iOS 11 update and no FB update. When I get time I'll see if I can find some FB setting to disable whatever it is that sucking my phone dry.
I'm having the same battery drain issues. My culprit is Youtube, though. Background refresh is turned off, yet it still shows 20 hours of background activity over the past few days. Even when I've killed it multiple times...
Yikes! I never would have though to look there. Tnx! Battery drain is a bit much right now but I’ve doind it usually settles down later. Facebook appears to be the culprit!
Facebook is one of the worst apps for background usage and battery drain. Facebook can still run in the background even if you’ve turned it off in settings. If you want to use Facebook on your iPhone without the issues, use the website instead of the app. You can set up a home screen bookmark for quick access.
Facebook is one of the worst apps for background usage and battery drain. Facebook can still run in the background even if you’ve turned it off in settings. If you want to use Facebook on your iPhone without the issues, use the website instead of the app. You can set up a home screen bookmark for quick access.

It was never an issue until iOS 11 though, at least for me. It's unreal how fast my battery is draining without me even touching my phone.
I don't use FB, but even if I did this may be a little extreme on the battery discharge...

A little update on my huge battery draining issues, and sounds that completely went out.

Since then I've checked all kinds of settings, and none were out of the ordinary and none we changed.

My drain has gotten better. It still drains a lot faster than before iOS 11, but my phone will be about 50% left when I get home from work now instead of needing a charger ASAP, so that's good.

Sound just sort of came back on all on it's own. Not sure how or why. It was rather random and scared the crap out of me because volume was all the way up when it decided to play the sound of an Instagram video as I scrolled past it.

Basically, phone sort of sorted itself out.
Sounds like he is saying don't do anything unless you have a battery draining issue then do something...

I certainly am not using my updated iPhone 6S Plus more, quite the opposite as I am so disgusted with it I am barely using it as anything more than a phone, and only if I absolutely have to.
in iOS 10 and previous, on the lock screen was an Emergency button that could be used to show medical data to an emergency responder. The setting still exists and it's still enabled, but I can find no way to look at the data with the iPhone locked, which is the point of having the feature. Am I missing something?
in iOS 10 and previous, on the lock screen was an Emergency button that could be used to show medical data to an emergency responder. The setting still exists and it's still enabled, but I can find no way to look at the data with the iPhone locked, which is the point of having the feature. Am I missing something?
The medical data is stored in the Health app. You can go to Settings>Emergency SOS to set up your emergency contacts in the Medical ID section of the health app. This is also where vital medical information can be stored and it can be accessed from the Emergency dialer without unlocking the iPhone.
it can be accessed from the Emergency dialer without unlocking the iPhone.
Thanks. I already had it all set up, from before the update. A Google search showed me how to access the no longer obvious way to access the emergency dialer, which varies according to which model it is. On mine (SE) while at the lock screen, press Home once (quickly, without triggering the Touch ID) and there is an Emergency button at the top. Press that and medical information becomes available by pressing that selection.
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My 6S Plus will 'stick' in portrait mode when on a home screen, no matter how I twist and turn it it won't go into landscape until I hold it in the correct orientation then double click home and slide to the next home screen (and I have to slide up/down as at that moment it is still in portrait mode) to get it to shift modes.

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