Turned it on at 0800. Heavy use today music, txt, posts, downloads the whole boat just trying to drain the battery. I'm usually at 20-25% at this time in the day (2230) as u can see by the screen shot I'm sitting in the low 40% range. Will need a few days to see if the update really improved battery life. I'm satisfied with it now.
sgtjiggy said:Turned it on at 0800. Heavy use today music, txt, posts, downloads the whole boat just trying to drain the battery. I'm usually at 20-25% at this time in the day (2230) as u can see by the screen shot I'm sitting in the low 40% range. Will need a few days to see if the update really improved battery life. I'm satisfied with it now.
olefin said:How do you get the screen shot?
I have had my phone for one week and it works great...last night I did the update (Didnt know there were possible problems) noticed this morning it seemed that my battery was draining faster than before..I happen to get on here and read the problems people are having and am pissed I updated...
I would say if you are happy with your phone and havent updated DONT...If you havent updated and are having problems it may be worth a shot to update...
eddieg said:Thats really good are you only using WIFI?