Well, I'm giving the Atomic Industries case one more shot. Unni sent me the latest composite "hybrid" case which consists of a larger, 3 sided component made of the composite material and the four side made of the 1st generation style aluminum piece (the one without the slots). At first I was a bit disappointed with the esthetics. The whole "wow factor" that originally brought me to Atomic was the 360 degrees of shiny aluminum. We all know about the reception issues with that, however. I went through the slotted versions with no success. However, when I put this new case on, not only were there NO issues, but it actually seems to IMPROVE reception. One thing is for sure, the FEEL of the case is just great. Solid, sealed and perfect. After one night and this morning on the the phone, I have come to actually appreciate the esthetics. Yes, the black matted piece is just that and not aluminum, but it isn't "rubber bumper looking", if you know what I mean? And the aluminum piece gives it the original shiny, classy look. And as I said, the case feels amazing, if a case can feel amazing. Add to the the carbon backing and you got one nice case. You pay for it, for sure. I think mine was sixty-odd dollars and lot headache getting there, but I am now more than satisfied.