iPhone 4 Help

iPhone 4 Help


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Aug 17, 2012
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I own an iPhone 4 locked to Rogers Wireless but I was using to Koodo with a gevey sim, everything worked fine, but ever since I updated my iOs to 5.0.1 I cant seem to make or receive calls as it keeps saying "No Service" I'm only able to access wifi like an iPod. I did not update my baseband it is still 02.10.04.

Is it possible to revert back to the previous iOs or a different method to use my current service provider (Koodo) on my Rogers iPhone?

You're help would be appreciated .
My suggestion would be to create a custom iOS 5.1.1 IPSW w/ redsn0w or sn0wbreeze w/ the Baseband preservation option. Is this the way you updated to 5.0.1.... or is your iDevice factory Unlocked?
My suggestion would be to create a custom iOS 5.1.1 IPSW w/ redsn0w or sn0wbreeze w/ the Baseband preservation option. Is this the way you updated to 5.0.1.... or is your iDevice factory Unlocked?

Actually it was one of my friends who did it for me, so I'm not exactly sure how he did it, but he did say he "preserved" my baseband
Was there a reason why he updated it to 5.0.1 and not 5.1.1? iOS 5.1.1 is the lastest firmware release. Perhaps geting together w/ your friend and having him/her go through the process again... only this time doing up to 5.1.1?

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