iphone 4 lock button stuck

iphone 4 lock button stuck


New Member
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Jan 25, 2013
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so the other day my lock button got jammed (will no longer click/lock). i went to apple and they turned me down saying my warranty is overdue by a week and i must buy a whole new phone for $200. great service btw... HAHAHA.

so what if i change the back housing of my phone with my sister who still has warranty, so they think my phone is still covered. Get a new one and return the backing to my sister and not ending up paying $200 for a defective phone i had no control over.

how could they tell the difference?

anyways, apple has terrible customer service and i had this phone for 100 days before the lock button jammed and "cant help me", so dont bother replying if your going to tell me how "immoral" this is. look through the window from my perspective.

btw i rarly text/use the phone so often that the lock button should go this fast.

thanks to those in advance who reply with help.
i already tried. no luck.
so i have no other options?
If reshaping the contact doesn't work, you'll probably need to replace the part.

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