iPhone 4 not charging to 100%

iPhone 4 not charging to 100%

lennie paz

New Member
Thread Starter
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
My iPhone 4 has not been charging to 100% for the past few weeks. When I wake up, the phone shows 93% and the charging icon is gone and the icon showing that it's plugged in is there instead.When I get in my car and plug it in, it will charge to 100%. It's basically acting like my old Droid Incredible which would start draining after a full charge while still on the charger. I think there might be a serious problem with the battery. I unplugged the phone at 10:30 am and it did say 100% today, but as soon as I unplugged it, it dropped right down to 97%. It's now a little after 1 pm and I'm at 64% after only making a 5 min phone call and sending about 20 texts. I am on IOS 5.0.1 if that matters. Would it be worth trying a restore or should I just get the phone replaced under warranty? I don't want to waste my time with a restore if it wouldn't help though.
I would try a restore with selective app additions first. Make sure you don't have a rogue app pulling on the battery. Could also be a glitch with the update installation. Add a small group of apps at a time if you can to monitor the battery usage. If you pull problems from the start, then it is the battery.
Does a restore re-install the OS, or should I try to re-install the OS manually?
I did a factory restore and only installed FB and Twitter. I was at 54% about an hour ago and now I'm down to 31% after about 20 texts and checking FB a couple times.

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