IPhone 4 Question! Please Heeeeeelp me!!

IPhone 4 Question! Please Heeeeeelp me!!


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Nov 12, 2010
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My uncle is planning to buy me a iPhone 4 in states with contract of AT&T, because its more cheaper. Then, I heard some of my friends in the philippines, they can unlock the iPhone4 in the malls, Is it possible to unlock the iPhone4 and use it anywhere in the world

Basic Question: Is there already unlock for iphone 4? And is it advisable to buy a iphone4 with AT&T contract and unlock it, then use it in diffrent contries? Please Help Me! Im planning to use it in saudi arabia, because im studing there.

Thank you alot
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Honestly your better off buying one that's factory unlocked. It is a couple of bucks more but you won't be stuck without a phone everytime apple upgrades the baseband. As of right now there is no way to unlock new iphone4's hopefully within the month.. But who knows.....
Honestly your better off buying one that's factory unlocked. It is a couple of bucks more but you won't be stuck without a phone everytime apple upgrades the baseband. As of right now there is no way to unlock new iphone4's hopefully within the month.. But who knows.....

Its not a couple of bucks away from the factory unlock compared to the locked iphone, Overall expenses of the locked phone by AT&T costs 253 dollars,correct me if im mistaken but i think the factory unlocked iphone 4 costs around 500-600 dollars. It's half of the price.

Another question: When I already unlock the iPhone4, will the AT&T contract stop the charges every month?
buying locked phones when you want to use it in another country is a bad move.. firstly there is no unlock for 4.1 secondly you would have to pay att to cancel the contract..

your better off getting it factory unlocked, or buy it locked to att and wait for unlock for 4.1 which wont be very long, give it a few weeks at most
Honestly your better off buying one that's factory unlocked. It is a couple of bucks more but you won't be stuck without a phone everytime apple upgrades the baseband. As of right now there is no way to unlock new iphone4's hopefully within the month.. But who knows.....

Its not a couple of bucks away from the factory unlock compared to the locked iphone, Overall expenses of the locked phone by AT&T costs 253 dollars,correct me if im mistaken but i think the factory unlocked iphone 4 costs around 500-600 dollars. It's half of the price.

Another question: When I already unlock the iPhone4, will the AT&T contract stop the charges every month?

Nope, you will still havetoo pay out the contract... Or terminate it with a fee of $350.
Apple HongKong sells unlocked Iphone's4. That's where I got mine. do check their availability. People are hoarding there, 2 weeks ago. Stock was unavailable.

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