iPhone 5 will be another smash hit study predicts

iPhone 5 will be another smash hit study predicts


Editor in Chief
Thread Starter
Jul 27, 2011
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Above is an artist's render of the iPhone 5 and is not necessarily indicative of the final product.​

We all know that the new iPhone 5 is coming in a few months but PCWorld/Macworld were curious to find out how the population might respond when confronted with the new device. Are customers ready to buy a new model? Why would they be interested in doing so, and how soon? All these questions were answered by a recent survey the publication conducted. The results were quite interesting, but they all point to the hypothesis that the next generation iPhone will be a major success.

The poll was conducted in March and was graced by the participation of 1248 people: 592 PCWorld readers, 271 Macworld readers and a pool of 385 smartphone users who were not constant in reading any particular publication.

From the total pool of interviewed people, 70% of the participants said that they will certainly buy a new device and 48% of that number said that they will even pre-order it in order to be sure they will be getting their hands on it. Most of the people who will buy a new iPhone will acquire their device from AT&T.

Most of the people interviewed shared what they love the most about the new device is its LTE wireless technology and that is prompting them to make the purchase.

Another topic of interest in the study was the likelihood of users switching to other carriers. Less than 10% of PCWorld and Macworld users were inclined to commit to this change, but 30% of people who are not affiliated with any publications said they were thinking of changing carrier.

By Radu

Source: 4G iPhone 5 Will Be Immediate Hit, PCWorld Study Suggests | PCWorld
I get one upgrade a year!! I can't wait lol!
I'm just going to wait till the new iPhone comes out.I love IOS and don't see me jumping ship.
I hope the phone isn't TOO big:-(
Maybe a tad bigger that's it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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