Yes, let's all try to keep the thread on the topic that has the most potential for a fight to break out, please.
hoursehaulin, whatever your uncle wants to believe to help him sleep at night is fine by me, but I'm pretty certain you cannot provide any proof of this suicide/death pension you speak of. It might be in some contract text presented by a government or corporate entity in China, but, based on the history of how China treats its people combined with simple common sense, pay out seems extremely unlikely. It certainly makes no sense what so ever that there would be no suicide clause involved, as there are in nearly ever American life insurance policy available.
Apple is targeted because it's huge and celibrated by the media and consumers alike. But it's unfair to suggest, as what some editorialists have done, that Apple is the giant it has become solely to having it's products assembled in China, as it's already been pointed out that most electronic producers also do. Apple is a megalithic corporation because they have what consumers who live in the lap of luxery (by comparison to Chinese factory workers, apparently) want.
In a fairly recent interview, I believe with Time magazine, (not sure), a vice president (Apple has many) stated in response to American jobs being outsourced, that "Apple has no obligation to the United States...".
Ultimately, the moral issues of the world from the treatment of calves to the treatment of Chinese factory workers are unsolvable as the choice for such treatment to be allowed to continue is divided into an unfathonable number of products we all desire.
...I've got to go; the waiter's coming with my veal.