iPhone Help - Confused

iPhone Help - Confused


New Member
Thread Starter
Dec 8, 2011
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First post here and a few queries.

Firstly, after trying numerous wasys to import my nokia contacts onto my iphone I have given up and am now going to enter them on iCloud and hope the download to my phone. Any easier ways?

iCloud is confusing me. There are sliders to turn various aspects on (eg mail, contacts, calenders). However at the bottom it says iCloud backup is off (but i checked icloud.com & my calender is there).

Also if I use Icloud for contacts, messages & calender do I have/need to use ITunes for anything elses?....

Eg I'm downloading apps direct to my iphone. Can do the same with music. For ripped CDs, I can use Iexplorer to move files back and forth. For photos, I can use Safesync app (which uploads new photos to my PC)

iTunes has backed up all my apps (didnt want it to), & since using it add contacts to my ipone, they hanvt uploaded to iCloud. I also have to be careful deleting anything on my PC in case iTunes replicates the deletion on my phone.
