iPhone Tips & Tricks

iPhone Tips & Tricks

I find it interesting that when reading the iPhone's manual it refers to them as "recently used" (not "open"). It then goes on to talk about removing items from the recently used list (not "closing them"). This terminology leads me to believe that, as you say, for the most part it's not important to worry about them.
Closing apps in the multitasking bar does free up some ram. So if your phone is running slower that usual it may be beneficial to close them...

I assume there's regular RAM in addtion to the 16 or 32 GB flash RAM? How much RAM does an iPhone have to work with?
RAM that the phone uses to run apps etc. Different from the 16/32gb you have to store your apps etc. I think it's 521mb. I can see my phone drop well below 100mb of free ram. Clearing out the multitasking bar can see that go up to nearly 400mb...
RAM that the phone uses to run apps etc. Different from the 16/32gb you have to store your apps etc. I think it's 521mb. I can see my phone drop well below 100mb of free ram. Clearing out the multitasking bar can see that go up to nearly 400mb...

Interesting. Is this info something you're getting with a Cydia app? I don't think it's available in the stock OS is it?
I use SBsettings from cydia. I think you can download things from the app store that tell you and even free up RAM for you. I used one on the 3G a few years back called FreeMemory. Don't know if it's still availible...
What the sign in the red square means and how do i get rid of it ?
Thank you


  • $005.webp
    26.3 KB · Views: 911
It means call forwarding has been turned on. Turning off call forwarding will get rid of it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks I was thinking cos she just change provider and that was it i'l stay there for ever !
I'l do that as soon as I get my hands on hers iPhone
It's been a while now but i'm sure that not everyone knos that you can now video conversation using either the front or the back camera, all right from your phone using skype. And the video quality is prety good.
Hey! It's really good idea! thanks to discussed with us! Keep updating your new post. Waiting for new stuff.
Do u know that you can follow a special thread of the forum, or check who reply to your posts, and even can do more than that and anytime right from your iPhone?
Check for "forum for iphone" in the app store, and the good news is that it's free of charge.
Hello! very new here!! First post!!!!

I frequently use the 'quick double tap' to toggle between apps, however, NEVER have I seen the '-' (minus or close) option?? I just see normal apps...

Also, I was hoping to get some info on the spell check// aka, Auto Correct.

I frequently send MWAHS to my hubby, and 9/10 - it gets changed to mesh! And I have done this for MONTHS!!!! I just dont understand WHY my iPhone 4 will NOT accept MY word!!

I do not want to reset spell check/dictionary, as there DOES seem to be other words that are fine... But if that may help re-boot the 'student' in my phone, I will do it...

I have to say, I absolutely LOVE the FILE FOLDER feature this phone has compared to the 3!!!! Thanks!!!!!
Hello Califjewls, I could not get the "rename" icon thingy to work! If I hold the icon until the "x" appears, then tap the "x", I get 2 options, either "delete" or "cancel", if I tap delete the icon disappears?

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