iPhone with broken home button in purgatory after jailbreak

iPhone with broken home button in purgatory after jailbreak


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Oct 14, 2012
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I have an iPhone 3GS that has a broken home button (won't work at all). I previously had it jailbroken with activator as a workaround to this.When I upgraded to iOS6 I needed this workaround again. I went to jailbreak my phone, but redsn0w won't work without putting phone in DFU which requires a home button. I downloaded an ipsw file that would put my phone into DFU mode after installing. Then I jailbroke my phone. The problem is that the iOS6 jailbreak is tethered, so when I go to boot after jailbreaking it won't work because I can't get my phone back into DFU after jailbreak. So now my phone is caught in purgatory and won't boot. I've tried to downgrade to 5.1.1 or even just reinstall iOS6, but I get an error in iTunes every time. Any suggestions on how to get my phone to boot?
Plugging it into your computer should trigger your iPhone on. Or plugging it into an outlet
It does not turn on when plugged into a computer or into a wall socket/charger. This jailbreak is tethered.
You'll need to force boot it directly into DFU through your PC.

I'm not entirely sure if I can link to this external site but I'll give it a try. If the link is removed by a moderator/admin, give me a PM and I'll send you the link directly.

Download DFU.zip from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way

Extract the archive into C:\DFU. Create a DFU folder in your root C: drive. Connect your iPhone to your PC. Then go to Start > Run > C:/dfu/dfu iBSS.m68ap.RELEASE.dfu
I'll just add a forum disclaimer to this conversation.


This site does not have the man power to test every file and hence all liability is on the individual downloading.

This forum will however ban anyone that is caught posting a file that is shown to be harmful.

Carry on.
Extract the archive into C:\DFU. Create a DFU folder in your root C: drive. Connect your iPhone to your PC. Then go to Start > Run > C:/dfu/dfu iBSS.m68ap.RELEASE.dfu

Is there a way to do this in Mac OSX?
Not sure about Mac OSX. I haven't seen a version of the above file for Mac itself. Most of them point to DFU mode or manually creating a DFU IPSW by editing the LLB img3 file. I'll ask my Mac buddy about whether or not there's a method to do it. I'm a PC guy so Mac stuff outside the basics is waaaaaaay out of my native habitat.

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