iTunes accidentally updated my iphone to IOS 5.0.1. Please Help

iTunes accidentally updated my iphone to IOS 5.0.1. Please Help


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Nov 13, 2011
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I was going to update to IOS5 my iphone 4 with Gevey sim. I've first created a custom IPSW file in order to preserve the baseband. Then i put the iPhone in Pwned DFU mode and went on iTunes to restore it.

Now the funny thing happened and i got screwed, when i pressed restore, iTunes did not give me an option to browse and select custom IPSW file that i've created, only to "cancel" or to "restore and update" option, also it has downloaded
the IOS 5.0.1. and now i got IOS 5.0.1. with baseband 4.11.08. and can't use Gavey...

how screwed i am? is my only option to wait that Gevey releases updated sim to IOS 5.0.1.?

would it work with Gevey Supreme?

Appreciate your input,
I'm pretty new to this JB stuff. But it looks to me like your screwed. Your were doing good until you clicked on restore. You should have been holding the option key while you clicked the restore button if using a Mac, or hold down some other key (shift perhaps) on a windows machine while you clicked the restore button. Then you would have gotten the choice of ipsw file. Looks like you have to wait and hope.
I'm pretty new to this JB stuff. But it looks to me like your screwed. Your were doing good until you clicked on restore. You should have been holding the option key while you clicked the restore button if using a Mac, or hold down some other key (shift perhaps) on a windows machine while you clicked the restore button. Then you would have gotten the choice of ipsw file. Looks like you have to wait and hope.

yeah, i suppose so... thanks

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