Lock Slider Icon

Lock Slider Icon


New Member
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Nov 11, 2010
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I downloaded cydia and winterboard to my phone. How do you change your lock slider icon?
At the moment I can only change it to a zipper icon. Are there more icons and how do you find them?
Just look under the lockscreen section in cydia. Then once it's installed just enable it in winterboard.
thanks it says lockinfo addons under the L
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when i put the check by it. the theme wont change
Make sure it is os 4.xxx compatible as well and you have to respring after checking.
Make sure it is os 4.xxx compatible as well and you have to respring after checking.

Also make sure its iPhone 4 compatible. A lot of themes don't work on the 4G due to the new screen resolution...
I'm trying to install different slider icon themes. At the moment I have the arrow. How do. You tell it's compatible with the os 4. What do I look under to find them in Cydia?
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It sometimes tells you in cydia but I think thats just tweaks and programs.

Most iPhone 4 themes will say in the title. So if it doesn't say iPhone 4 in the title chances are it wont work.

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