My new iphone 4 reverts to GPRS constantly while wife's stays 3G

My new iphone 4 reverts to GPRS constantly while wife's stays 3G


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Feb 12, 2011
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My wife and I are Verizon users who picked up iphones just a couple of days ago. From what we can tell, our settings and cases are identical in every way, yet my phone gives preference to GPRS while hers stays with 3G. To test, we were standing side by side with full bars and both on 3G. We then tried to access the App store and mine went right to GPRS and took 5 times as long to access the store than hers which remained in 3G.

Seems like whenever i attempt to access a data network, my phone goes to GPRS and gets bogged down. Both are so new that we have only a couple of apps installed. (Facebook, CNN)

Any ideas?

Try resetting the network settings on your phone. It's in the settings app under General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.

You will have to retype any saved wifi passwords...
In the uk the little blue circle is GPRS and on certain networks there's a blue E for edge.

Did you try resetting your network settings...

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