Photos with the 6s plus

Photos with the 6s plus

Beautiful roses! It makes me wish you could capture the scent as well as the image.
I was close to them, but I didn't notice the scent. Maybe I was too busy taking pictures. :oops:
You're right. A photo of a flower with it's scent would be great.
Darscho, about 30 minutes ago
Beautiful roses! It makes me wish you could capture the scent as well as the image.

Hi in 2020 the rumours are that there will be an app that allows you to do just that,built into the iPhone 14sxplus.

And it will be free, so start saving up your bucks man.
This is a money box

When you put in some money, you can hear Darth Vader breathing. (Yes, we tried it, just to make sure it's working. :))
It's a gift from my daughter to my son.
Gorgeous sunset! Is that the famous tree I see in the background?
Thank you!
Of course it is. :)
At this time of the year, this is the best place for sunset pictures. So I can't avoid taking a photo of my favorite tree. ;)

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