Placed my order already some how :D

Placed my order already some how :D

1 hour 45min later... email confirmation received!

Order #: 2931XXX :eek:

If that's an actual order count... that's CRAZY! Almost 3 million orders placed by 3:12am EST. Holy crap.

Going to bed :cool:
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I really hope Verizon's supply of iPhones isn't limited. I stayed up all night to order one, and can't. If I don't get an iPhone, Verizon is getting an earfull!!

Grats to those of you who have gotten yours through.
I really hope Verizon's supply of iPhones isn't limited. I stayed up all night to order one, and can't. If I don't get an iPhone, Verizon is getting an earfull!!

Grats to those of you who have gotten yours through.

Well they did say they have a limited supply for pre-orders. . .so. . .
If you got the confirmation number but no e-mail, check your junk mail folder. That's where mine went. Either way as long as you have the confirmation number you are in.
It's kind of mind-blowing that Verizon hasn't fixed the error yet, after 2+ hours. I've gotta head to work, now. Really regretting staying up all night to order this. I won't be able to try again until about 4 PM EST, any bets about availability at that point? ;p
1 hour 45min later... email confirmation received!

Order #: 2931XXX :eek:

If that's an actual order count... that's CRAZY! Almost 3 million orders placed by 3:12am EST. Holy crap.

Going to bed :cool:

Apple is gonna be happy. . .At&t. . .not so much. :iphone4vert:
1 hour 45min later... email confirmation received!

Order #: 2931XXX :eek:

If that's an actual order count... that's CRAZY! Almost 3 million orders placed by 3:12am EST. Holy crap.

Going to bed :cool:

I'm order #1245269. I ordered at about 4:15 EST.

My guess is that this isn't an actual order count as I pressed submit before 3:00, got my confirmation email at 3:06 and my order number is 2926xxx, yet the other person I quoted placed their order an hour later and has a much earlier number than either of us have...
I sure hope it's not an actual count! I placed my order prior to 3, received my e-mail confirmation at 2:59 and have an order # of 1238XXX. I'm curious as to the relevance of the "order location" and "application number". And, also... I'm a little sleepy!
I got my confirmation guys!!

Order Number: 4139

Now I just hope it actually ships today instead of the :D (nice wish huh?)
started ordering at 2.45 but where i was trying to pay with a different debit card than the actual account holder it would except it, got called out to work and just placed my order about 30 min ago. order number 9147. had the email with in min
I ordered about 10 mins past the "actual" start time (3amEST) and I was order number 4,000 and something. WOW. I got my email confirmation sent about an hour and a half later sent to a gmail address .. so i hope the other gmail people that didnt get their confirmations got them by now.

YAY i cant wait!!
Ordered mine at 3am - done by 3:10am. Paid with a different credit card than the accountholder and had it shipped to a different address than accountholder's billing address.


I spoke to my cousin who has worked for verizon for years. I asked whether or not i should preorder for in store pickup or delivery. I was going to have him hold me an iphone at the store to make sure there was one in stock for me. BUT His answer was simple:

"Order it for delivery. You will likely get it BEFORE the 10th, and you wont have to come to the store and battle the long lines on the 10th."
Has anyone tried to call Verizon today?

I was trying to get in touch with them because when I was ordering it wouldn't let me put my work address as the shipping address and seeing as we will need a signature that would be my safest bet. I called once waited on hold for 10 mins and the it said "Your call to Verizon Wireless cannot be completed as dialed" and hung up. =/
I have preordered a few phones before, got all of them before the estimated ship date.
I ordered mine at 2:55 and & I'm 882xxx? doesn't make sense

I don't think they got 3 million orders that quickly.

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