Re the Coronavirus

Re the Coronavirus

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By the time this is finally all over, it will make the number of people we lost in 911 look small by comparison.
I had to bring my motor into the garage this morning for the annual safety inspection. I was chatting with the young man behind the desk. The place was empty even though it was already mid-morning. I told him I expect at least 50% of the U.S. population will contract the virus. He looked at me incredulously and replied "I think it was be A LOT more than that if for no other reason than not enough people are taking it seriously enough to stay home." He said his holidays were about to come up, and he expected to spend them at home with his wife and two children. He said he would not dream of travelling even by motor right now.

I am sorry if this sounds defeatist, but I have a feeling I will contract this virus as well as several people I know. I just think there are far to many people out there who have unwittingly spread it about. What proportion of the U.S. population do you think will contract the virus?
Just received an update from Neiman Marcus / Bergdorf Goodman in NYC. They are extending store closures through April 30th, and more. All capital expenditures are cut save those relating to safety and business essential. There is a hiring freeze. Most of the company employees are being placed on furlough (I think that means without salaries but with medical benefits in tact). Remaining associates will have reduced hours. The stores are now producing masks, gowns, and scrubs for frontline workers. The CEO is giving 100% of his salary back to the store to keep it from sinking lower.

This is better corporate responsibility than I have witnessed with other corporations here, e.g Michaels and JoAnns. I am sure I will receive similar emails from other business with whom I do business over the next few days. This is a big signal to doubters, too, as to how serious is this pandemic. Maybe now with confirmed infections rising like the mercury in a thermometre on a hot Summer day and the death count also rising very quickly, often doubling within a 24 hour period, the young people who did not think this was very serious will change their minds.
>> Just received an update from Neiman Marcus / Bergdorf Goodman in NYC.

UK BBC news frequently shows briefings by Andrew Cuomo and there have been several articles in newspapers about the high quality of his presentations: factual and informative.

Also I was interested to read that you have to wear facemasks in all Austrian shops. They are, apparently, issued at the entrance. Good move that. I expect we will catch up in a month or twos time.

We did our weekly visit to our local supermarket yesterday. Some people had assorted types of facemasks on and my wife commented on how some looked as though they had just stepped off the Starwars set.
>> Just received an update from Neiman Marcus / Bergdorf Goodman in NYC.

UK BBC news frequently shows briefings by Andrew Cuomo and there have been several articles in newspapers about the high quality of his presentations: factual and informative.

Also I was interested to read that you have to wear facemasks in all Austrian shops. They are, apparently, issued at the entrance. Good move that. I expect we will catch up in a month or twos time.

We did our weekly visit to our local supermarket yesterday. Some people had assorted types of facemasks on and my wife commented on how some looked as though they had just stepped off the Starwars set.
That was announced on Monday, and is supposed to start today. Since then, we get kind of tutorials online how to touch the masks, and how to put them down without being infected. You can also find lots of videos now, showing how to make them. We have a dressmaker in Apetlon who started producing face masks and offers them online.
It looks like we’ll be wearing face masks everywhere else as well, sooner or later. At least, that’s what they told us during the press conference on Monday.

I’m sure you’ll have to wear face masks sooner than expected.

Yesterday, we’ve been told that schools certainly won’t open before May. It’s even possible that we have to stay at home until June. Primary schools will open later than secondary schools, colleges and universities.
I miss my students. :(
J.A. >> I miss my students. :(
Are you not providing them with lessons online?

We actually seem to have a lot of that, but there seems to be Many parents who wonder who these strange beings are populating the house during weekday daylight hours

On a different subject, I was sent an audio file by a friend about the dangers of 5G. No name of the person who was talking, although he said that he used to be a director of Vodafone years ago. As far as I listened, he said that the CoronaVirus was actually caused by 5G! Hence I did not listen any further and I would suggest that anyone else receiving such 5G info puts it in the recycling bin. ‘Spherical objects’ as Sir Humphrey so eloquently put it, in the TV series Yes Minister (or possibly Yes Prime Minister. Both provide a good -very funny- observation of British politics.)
J.A. >> I miss my students. :(
Are you not providing them with lessons online?

We actually seem to have a lot of that, but there seems to be Many parents who wonder who these strange beings are populating the house during weekday daylight hours
I do, but I can only see photos their parents send to me, and I can see what they’ve accomplished during the day. We don’t have online meetings.
I do, but I can only see photos their parents send to me, and I can see what they’ve accomplished during the day. We don’t have online meetings.
You need something like a live video conference call.
More big retailers here, e.g. Macy's, GAP, Kohl's, are furloughing tens of thousands of employees. The economic fallout from this virus may surpass the Great Depression.

Los Angeles Times report a Washington state church choir decided to have rehearsal since there were no “reported” cases in their town about an hour’s drive from Seattle. Now, three weeks later, 45 have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or ill with the symptoms, at least three have been hospitalised, and two are dead.

Criminals are taking advantage of this situation, too. One or more broken into a Dutch museum and stole of Van Gogh's paintings! Why anyone would steal famous paintings is beyond me. Finding someone who would buy them is incredibly difficult if not impossible. I hope the painting is recovered very soon.

Markets here still cannot fill and/or keep shelves filled. It is so frustrating. We have not even begun to flatten the curve, either. :(
You need something like a live video conference call.
My students are 6 years old, and although they’ve learned quite a bit this school year, that might be too difficult for them or their parents, who would have to help in case the children can’t connect.

I’ve already thought of this, I might even try it, on condition that their parents agree, after Easter.
I was watching a program on TV yesterday here in the UK where they were discussing the use of gloves as well as masks by the public during the epidemic whilst out shopping etc.

The fact is that the virus cannot penetrate skin, however it is transmitted when you then touch your eyes, mouth, nose etc., and although wearing gloves won’t stop this happening, it can act as a psychological reminder not to.
However it should be remembered that when you remove them you must discard them immediately and wash your hands straight away.

The other thing to remember is that the virus can live on plastic packaging for up to 72 hours, so unpack your shopping carefully and dispose of wrapping or bags, and again wash hands thoroughly.

I’m pretty sure if we do all of the above every time it will soon become second nature, and go a long way to hopefully remaining virus free!.
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