Should I update my iPhone 4 (4.1 to 5.0.1) or stay outdated? NEED HELP, PLEASE!!!!!!?

Should I update my iPhone 4 (4.1 to 5.0.1) or stay outdated? NEED HELP, PLEASE!!!!!!?


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Feb 27, 2012
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Ok, I know that this may be long but bear with me, really need your help guys!!!!

Ok, so a few years ago, I bought an iPhone 4 (I was in Zimbabwe, now in the US) that was factory unlocked from what I can tell. Reason why I "THINK" it's unlocked is because
1. It did not have Cydia installed when I got it, just stock with native apps only
2. Running on 02.10.04 Baseband (That cannot be Cydia Unlocked), I manage used several Network Providers and all Sim cards worked and still do, no problems. (Using T-Mobile Now)
3. Model Number is MC603B, and according to my research, it is a factory unlocked model.
Unless im mistaken???????

Here we go. The iOS 5.0.1 is out and I am now running iOS 4.1 (Jailbroken), which is really bakward, so loads of tweaks and apps cant run on my outdated iOS and i want iOS 5. I have heard people all over the internet complain that after the iOS5 upgrade, their phones locked-up and can't dowgrade or activate after the update, so if that happens im STUCK forever, and I really dont know what to do!!!!

1. Is my phone really factory unlocked, based on what I listed above? Or is there any other way of checking???
2. If I DO update, do I risk locking-up my phone????
***3. Should I update is "while preserving my baseband" and still manage to Activate it, or just leave it to update my baseband????? PLEASE HELP. Read my questions carefully and answer on what you think.

Thanks alot guys
Well if in fact you are running your iPhone 4 on T-Mobile right now than it would have to be unlocked. However to your question if it is factory unlocked, I have no idea, not sure if there is a way to tell but I don't think it really matters as it is unlocked now. Factory unlocked just means that it was originally bought unlocked. To your update question, I know they have been working on an unlock for IOS 5.0.1 but im not sure if it is out yet. There is however an unlock for just IOS 5.0 so I think you would be fine upgrading to that. Just know that unless you have backed up your cydia info all that stuff will be lost because you will have to re-jailbreak once you upgrade. Hope that helped a little bit...
Well if in fact you are running your iPhone 4 on T-Mobile right now than it would have to be unlocked. However to your question if it is factory unlocked, I have no idea, not sure if there is a way to tell but I don't think it really matters as it is unlocked now. Factory unlocked just means that it was originally bought unlocked. To your update question, I know they have been working on an unlock for IOS 5.0.1 but im not sure if it is out yet. There is however an unlock for just IOS 5.0 so I think you would be fine upgrading to that. Just know that unless you have backed up your cydia info all that stuff will be lost because you will have to re-jailbreak once you upgrade. Hope that helped a little bit...

THanks for responding, but here is the thing.
If I do update to iOS 5.0 it will update my baseband! Now, because my baseband is 02.10.04 (which cannot be unlocked), I cant even unlock it even if I preserve my baseband. Making sense? So I should not risk it? Cause once Baseband Updates, no turning back? Thanks again for responding
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You can upgrade to ios 5.0.1 without updateing the baseband. Go here Dev-Team Blog and you can find instructions on doing just that. Unless I bought the phone myself from a reputable source so as to be absoluly sure it was "factory" unlocked I would treat it as if it wasen't. You very well could be reliant on ultrasn0w for your unlock. Don't get stuck on 04.11.08 I'm not even sure Apple can unlock that thing.
You can upgrade to ios 5.0.1 without updateing the baseband. Go here Dev-Team Blog and you can find instructions on doing just that. Unless I bought the phone myself from a reputable source so as to be absoluly sure it was "factory" unlocked I would treat it as if it wasen't. You very well could be reliant on ultrasn0w for your unlock. Don't get stuck on 04.11.08 I'm not even sure Apple can unlock that thing.

That is exactly what I was thinking. Even if I update to iOS 5.0.1 and preserve my 02.10.04 Baseband, it is impossible to unlock it because ultrasn0w cannot unlock my Baseband. Guess i'm stuck on iOS 4.1? Unless Updating preserves my unlock? But I doubt that :( Sigh

Thanks again for responding.
xflair.... if you're on iOS 4.1 w/ the 2.10.04 Baseband right now and able to use the device on T-mobile and other GSM carriers (as you mentioned in your first post) then you're definlitey using a true Factory Unlocked iPhone. Updating to 5.0.1 will update your Baseband as well but, this WILL NOT affect your Unlock since the GSM radio is already permanently unlocked... no matter what Baseband it's on. So, with the information you've provided us... go ahead and update to 5.0.1 and enjoy all the fruits it comes with. :-)

I have successfully updated to iOS 5.0.1, Baseband updated to 04.11.08 and my Factory Unlocked Phone did not need activation and remained unlocked. Thank you guys, was scared, sucked it up and its working with T-Mobile..

Thanks again guys, cheers
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Glad it worked out for you. I believe there are ways of telling if the phone is factory unlocked.
Awesome... glad we could be of assistance!!
UPDATE GUYS I have successfully updated to iOS 5.0.1, Baseband updated to 04.11.08 and my Factory Unlocked Phone did not need activation and remained unlocked. Thank you guys, was scared, sucked it up and its working with T-Mobile.. Thanks again guys, cheers
Not if it's a truly "Factory Unlocked" iDevice. In that case it doesn't matter what Baseband you're on... you can use it on any GSM carrier.
Updating an unlocked iPhone won't lock it.

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