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I have, the theme developer asked me to make it myself using iconmaker.

How do I go about creating this? Do I need to make the icon on Photoshop and import it into my phone, or can it be done on the phone? How do I use iconmaker too?

Sorry again for the stupid questions.

Message the developer with the specific app that you'd like to add. Depending on the developer, they may or may not ask for a rough idea of what the icon should look like. Experienced artists would just do it on their own.
Message the developer with the specific app that you'd like to add. Depending on the developer, they may or may not ask for a rough idea of what the icon should look like. Experienced artists would just do it on their own.

So I should reply to him again and give him a copy of the original icon, and tell him to modify this to fit into the theme?

When I wrote to him previously, he told me to create the image using IconMaker from Cydia. He tells me to choose the image and select the theme, and that it's supposed to create automatically. Then I'm supposed to just put the icon inside theme Folders/ and it should work. He says that because Apple changed many icon files, the auto app masks don't work, and he apologises for the inconvenience...

I tried the above, and nothing seemed to work... I'm quite unskilled when it comes to theming. Usually I just pick a theme or combination of themes that I like from Cydia and Winterboard does all the work... I've never designed my own icons as I have zero design sense...
Yea my bad folks. I read the title wrong. That was my fault. Lol.

What the theme developer is saying is download ThemeIconMaker from Cydia. Open the app and choose the theme you are currently running and add all the icons that are missing so that it can be auto-masked. Then respring from the app. But on iOS 7 I don't think the automask is working.

What theme are you running and do you have the PSD? I can make the icon for you. Using AppInfo you can get the bundle name and icon file name to manually put it on your phone.