Terminal on iPhone 4 Tutorial

Terminal on iPhone 4 Tutorial

Nevermind, not sure what did it, I had also resized the graphic from 64x64 down to 59x60 to match some of the other icons, to no avail. Suddenly, without rebooting or anything, it just started displaying correctly. Strange...
Hello. Is it possible to use MobileTerminal os4 with Dtunes? When downloaded from Xsellize, it would not install until I unistalled Dtunes/Terminal together. Then, once the os4 Terminal was added, it would not let me install DTunes. I like to use Dtunes to download torrent files. Is there another way to download torrent files to the Iphone 4? Or use Dtunes? Thanks!
To Change the ssh password in iphone 4 is easy just go to Cydia and download Rock even though it is owned by Cydia. Download Openssh and than close. Thank open Rock and it will prompt you to change ssh password. No need for terminal which doesn't work on iphone 4 anyway. It was easy.
Hmmmm. I think it worked even easier. I installed OpenSSH on my iPhone. I opened Terminal on my Mac and connected to: ssh root@ipaddressofmyiphone. I ran the command passwd and it asked me to type in a new password then confirm for root. I then ran the command passwd mobile and put in a new password twice again. No need to install or load anything else. To test, I disconnected then reconnected in terminal and at the password prompt, I used the new password. I uninstalled OpenSSH from my iPhone. This is *very* new for me so I hope this worked to change the password correctly and didn't mess up anything!
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Hello, could you give me the link to download the v4.26 mobile terminal, because the privilege of downloading died (MEGAUPLOAD).
It might be easier just to purchase ISSH from the app store and you can use all of these same commands in terminal that work for that app, just its constantly updated and always working with new firmware

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