Untethered transfered to tethered?

Untethered transfered to tethered?


New Member
Thread Starter
Nov 5, 2010
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I was running iOS 5.1 on tethered jailbreak last month and once the untethered for iOS 5.1.1 was released I created a custom IPSW from snowbreez to preserve my baseband and jailbreak my iPhone 4. I am not new to all this so this went fine.
After a couple of days my iPhone had to be powered off because I was traveling and later when I tried powering off it started acting like the tethered boot where it shows the lock screen for a second and then keeps on restarting itself.
I tethered boot it and it was back on but still acting like tethered boot. Even iBooks returned to the tethered state giving error.
I decided to preserve the baseband through Redsn0w this time and jailbreak it and once gain after a couple of days this has happened again.
I tried then just creating a custom ipsw from redsnow, doing a fresh restore via iTunes using my custom IPSW. Once done I then used absinthe 2 to jailbreak but unfortunately once again after a week or do it returned to its tethered state as I never Untethered Jailbreak it :/
Any idea what's going on? What's wrong?
Dont bump threads until 48 hours after you started it. Im pretty sure a restore set up as new and rejb will fix it
Never heard of an issue like that, doing a fresh restore and jailbreak should fix the issue though. Make sure you are using the latest version of Redsn0w or Absinthe to jailbreak.

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