Virgin Mobile Starts Selling Pre-Paid iPhone Tomorrow

Virgin Mobile Starts Selling Pre-Paid iPhone Tomorrow


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Jun 18, 2010
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Businessweek writes that Virgin Mobile will open its first 10 retail stores in Chicago tomorrow, on the same day that the company gets to start offering the iPhone on a pay-as-you-go basis. From tomorrow, Virgin Mobile will be only the second pre-paid service in the US to get the iPhone, with Leap Wireless International Inc being the first, on June 22. Businessweek writes that opening its own retail stores represents a move away by Virgin Mobile from its previous strategy of offering its services as a mobile carrier within major retail stores, including the likes of RadioShack and Best Buy.

“We think there’s good demand for high-end devices like the iPhone in the pre-paid market,” Sprint Chief Executive Officer Dan Hesse told Businessweek in an interview. “There’s a misperception that the prepaid market is only for people that are economically challenged. That’s not the case. Our expectations, based on preorders, is that the iPhone will do very well on Virgin.”

Source: Virgin Mobile, Leap Turn to iPhone to Spur Prepaid Market - Businessweek
Always good to see new carriers get the iPhone.
Wonder what it'll cost?

Probably ALOT. Virgins phones are always very expensive. Honestly, i wish they didn't cap their data speeds or I'd still be with them. That's the only reason I left to sprint. Even though virgin runs on the sprint network lol. But I use so much data I couldnt handle the cap. Glad they're finally getting the iPhone though. They have the crappiest phones

Sent from my Sprint iPhone 4
i was with Virgin for quite a while but their customer service just went downhill,don't know what happened but they went from being brilliant to rubbish in a very short time.
i was with Virgin for quite a while but their customer service just went downhill,don't know what happened but they went from being brilliant to rubbish in a very short time.

I have yet to find a uk company with a decent call center, they are all in india lol

Though pre paid (pay as you go) always takes so much longer to be released on most carriers, first its unlocked and contracted and much later pay as you go.. Virgin are good and have some pretty decent deals
yes,i think in the early days their call centre was in the UK,having said that i never have a problem with 3,s call centre,they always resolve problems quickly.
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Unleashed said:
I have yet to find a uk company with a decent call center, they are all in india lol

Though pre paid (pay as you go) always takes so much longer to be released on most carriers, first its unlocked and contracted and much later pay as you go.. Virgin are good and have some pretty decent deals

I think the GiffGaff have a UK call centre, some good looking deals as well.

The Archangel
i was with Virgin for quite a while but their customer service just went downhill,don't know what happened but they went from being brilliant to rubbish in a very short time.

That is so true. I was with virgin for almost a year and switched to sprint with my iPhone 4 last December. Customer service was terrible. All of the people spoke broken English, some better than others. But it was definitely a hassle trying to get my problems solved. I would tell them what was wrong and what I had done already to try to fix and they would just tell me to do exactly what I said I did. Terrible. When I switched to sprint I had to call them once and it was because the service sucked and I guess a tower was down. The lady I spoke to spoke perfect English and was in America I could tell. I called again when my mom got her Evo shift to activate it and again got another perfect English speaking person. Kinda weird how customer service differs so much even though sprint owns virgin and theyre on the same network lol. Virgin is very very cheap though which I miss. I used to pay $25 a month for 300 mins and unlimited data/text. That was awesome until they capped data speeds.

Sent from my Sprint iPhone 4

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