Hello - here for reasons probably different than most. I am currently on an iPhone for 4S though I've had a 5S 32 mg for almost a year now, still sitting in the box. this is because I have had severe problems with my MacBook Pro and iPhone (contrary to what Apple please) hacked. my current ISPs router – just changed over to U-verse high-speed broadband Home phone from their DSL and LANLine package. That routers too compromised. At this moment, I am working off yourkarma Hotspot (Pricey but thankful for it) and recently - three days ago - installed expressVPN and able to work on my iPhone with Apparent lack of unwanted visitors. this is not a MacBook form so I won't get into that. I don't want to jailbreak my phone I just want to keep this one safe, that's my 5S to my 87-year-old blind father, this 4S to his brother, Who is also blind (They both have hearing loss also but I have found a nice senior advisor at Apple as well as a government employee Who are interested in helping me get them set up. then, I will use one of the other family upgrades that is open to get myself a 6S, 64 mg, i'm hoping to find information in the forum that will help me to protect myself in the future. That is, if my current plan does work, and I can get the rest of my network clean. just so you know, I have nothing against jailbreaking. but I do have something against being harassed. I know there are many more nice people out in the world and in this forum then otherwise.