I would really love to love this phone, but it is at best a love/hate relationship. I know people who have them and think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread. I like mine when it works but doesn't work very often, especially after I have connected it to my computer (new laptop running Windows 7 64 bit). Has anyone else had issues with updating and restoring their phones running either Windows Vista or Windows 7? From the people I have talked to that do not have any problems, they are running older operating systems (Windows XP) and I suspect not much in the way of antivirus software. I have got the latest and greatest and I think that is the problem and not the phone itself (a PC running Microsoft OS and and Apple phone is already an unholly union). I have leared the hard way to shut the antivirus software off and the Windows firwall, but is there something I'm missing? I can't be the only one who has fought this problem so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.