Thank You! I am in uncharted waters.Welcome to the forum Mark
Thank You! I am in uncharted waters.Welcome to the forum Mark
Kia ora fro NZ. Finally got an iphone 4. Kids played with the camera and took a few photos that came out strange. "Ghosting" around the edges and a white see-through circle in the middle. Any idea why this has happened?
hone::hdvideo: Enjoy this phone. After a year, I finally just jail broke mine. Typing on my Zaggmate with my iPad 2. Really like Apple products. Changed from Windoze to Mac about 3 years ago. iPhone 3G was first Apple product. Enjoy! (Just came over to forum from iPad forum to learn more about my great phone, too)
new to iphone4... first iphone so a lil frustrated at navigating these waters! Any tips on how to block unwanted callers? Old phone I could just add them to the rejected list... this isn't so easy! can you help?
Hallo everybody ... I'm Vasilis and I use iphone4 since November last year ( I had HTC Magic ) !!! It is nice to be to your forum !!!