Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

new member, iphone 4G - 16GB. Ordered and anticipating.

Mac and PC guy. 36yrs old.
Hello everyone, I just registered here to find out a little more about this device i just purchased (iphone 4) hopefully to learn and to share!!!
what's going on everyone? I just got my iphone 4 today from at&t and am looking forward to playing around with my new phone. great site and if anyone else on here is from auburn, al or went to school at auburn let me know and WAR EAGLE!
Hey folks! D Jason here! I discovered this forum while looking at cases on the Amazon site. I'm gonna poke around and see what's going on here. Hello to all!!
I am a first time iPhone owner and I love it!. Never get bored with new apps coming out daily. I think I am hooked for life and my next purchase will be an iPad for my wife and maybe my daughter after that.

If any of you would like to make enough to pay for their iPhone and an iPad too, I suggest you buy Apple stock. It is relatively cheap right now and the company will be making tons of money over the holidays.

hi everyone!! Im jayr! And im cool! Lol! Im also a virgin to this site.. Today is actually my first day on here.. So if theres any veterans on here that want to guide me through this site and its specific use fpor the iphone4.. Im open to all convos facetime convo etc... L0l.. Lata!
Hello. I have a Droid incredible and an Ip4. I use the incredible as my main phone. I joined the forums to learn more about my new back-up phone.
Hello all,

I am new to the forum as well as iPhone in general. My last phone was a blackberry, but got tired of it's slow updates to the competitive smartphone world. Hope I can get some useful hints and tricks with my new iPhone 4. Btw, what's the deal with this proximity sensor and is anyone else having problems with calls either getting muted or dropped all together. Thanks!
Hi all,

new to this forum and have just ordered my very first iphone, which is iphone 4 of course lol. i'm soooooo excited :), that i want it NOW!!!! hehe. i'll have to wait 2-3 weeks till i can get my hands on it :(. am looking forward to find some great tips and tricks about the phone.

well i just realized i havent made an intro, well this is my first iphone, ive wanted one for many years and i finally got my hands on some money to cross over to AT&T and snag an iphone 4, so far im loving it, already experimented with jailbreaking and all that got the 16GB, with a black and blue ifrogz case, yeap, lifes good =]
Hi i'm yun, i'm a forager and not very good with technology. Can any body help me with my iphone 4, trying to drag a app icon onto the 'desk' at the bottom of the screen....
I have always been reluctant to give any apple device a try. Coming from the Nokia camp, I will give iphone 4 a go. If I do not own one by now, it is because it is out of stock in OZ. I have put my name down at my local phone store and I am impatiently waiting. What has pushed me to make the jump is the remarkable and massive number of “MUST HAVE” applications that you can get with iphone. I have already made a list of the cool applications that I can't wait to install.

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hello all, Im from London.

currently have the 3Gs but my 4 is arriving on Thursday.
Im sure there will be a lot of useful information available from everyone here.

see you out there...

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