Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Hi, I bought iPhone 4 and IPad. Need help on sending MMS. My friend iphone 4 with version 4.0.2 have camere icon when want to send message. Mine with latest version 4.1 do not have camere icon. So how can i send MMS message. Do i need to downgrade the version or do i need to download new apps for sending message?
Hi everyone. New to this forum and new to i phone. Just got my new i phone 4 last Friday and have to say it's awesome. Hopefully I can tap in to the wealth of knowledge from some of you members on here if I have any questions or problems. Thanks in advance.
iPhone4Forum.net is a friendly community dedicated to the all the latest and greatest iPhone from Apple, the iPhone 4.

Our goal is to be the place to go to when you have iPhone 4 questions or problems.

To keep the place friendly, we ask that every new member post up an introduction thread letting us know a little bit about themselves, their current (and future) cell phones, etc.

Please help us keep this site friendly and informative! Thanks in advance.
hi everybody !

I am looking for free reverse phone lookup.

New to the forum, although I have received much information from this site about my i devices. I am currently using iPhone 4 iOS 4.1 patiently awaiting greenpois0n to be released this weekend.

In home screen, in phone:phone:>Favourites, Recents, Contacts, Keypad, Voicemail These are the Options available. How to remove or disable the voicemail option. Several times, I pressed accidently. But they are charging 1.35 $ per minute. around 15$ in my last bill. Can anyone help on this? (I've disabled voice mail option from my service provider account. But if I press, they are charging as local call)
Just joined! I use an iPhone 4 and a Droid Incredible. I'm not sure which to keep and which to sell though. I can't wait to learn about iPhone, because being an Android user, I know nothing about it.
(BTW, this camera is great!!)
Hi Everybody,
New to the forum, I bought iPhone 4 and waiting for Jailbreak IOS 4.1,
tks for all:facetime:
Hey guys !! Great Forum... I just bought an iphone 4, and just jailbroke it with limera1n, i have the 4.1 Great !!! now,,, how do i unlock it ?? i'm a tmobile cust, ... Love this phone already !!! Cheers !!
Hi planning to get a new iphone though still torn between it and an ANDROID phone,reaaly hoping to learn and share a lot from all you Iphone buffs.
hi. i'm an iphone user for 2 years and my old ip3 took a nosedive to the kitchen floor and met death. i upgraded to the ip4 and have been learning about the features.
HI folks, I am new here and with the iP4. Where should I post to find out why I am getting the error message when trying to sync a new app?

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