Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

To keep the place friendly, we ask that every new member post up an introduction thread letting us know a little bit about themselves, their current (and future) cell phones, etc.
Hi, I am trying iphone 4G+++ 32gb with 2 sim slot, downloaded itune and found that iphone could not be detected, my notebook is able to read the drives but gave virus warning on audio.exe and other files. I also failed to get opera mini and java working, Ucweb is working fine. I hope to get some advise on how to get Java running as many program asked me to install java games.
hay im new to the siite
im have trouble jailbreking my iphone 3gs
version 4.1(8b117)
firmware 05.14.02

i have limera1n and i get
your jailbreak is ready
but i dont see limera1on the screen or cydia

can sombody tell me way
Hey y'all. Im Josse from the Netherlands. Ordered my IP4 yesterday, but still have to wait at least 5 weeks before it comes in. Registered here to get to know stuff, and looking up in case of any problems. Currently using IP3G white 16GB, still very happy with it, but now I'm up for something new!
Whats up everyone. Just joined the site. Have the iphone 4, and now that they fixed thr proximity sensor this phone is great. Jailbroke my phone a few days ago. Found an awesome set up for springboard. Excited to learn more.
Hi, My name is Anne, and I am very new at this, haven't got that much knowledge yet that I can help people with, but I have a problem setting up my email account on the iphone 4. Changed my mail seetings to imap etc, entered all info into settings on the phone but when I try and access my email account is says user name or password for email is incorrect.
Hello All

Here from HandEra, to Palm, to WinMo, to BlackBerry, to Android and now FINALLY the iPhone!

So far, I love it. Have things to learn though.

I got a new MacBook Pro 13 in July 2009, and have been reading voraciously about iPhones, drooling to get a 4. I am currently with VZW, and have been waiting "forever" for them to get the iPhone, but the rumors keep flying. I have thought about buying an iPhone 4 from Apple for $599 without contract, then I could upgrade to a 5 next July, if it was really worth it. If VZW got the 5, then I could go with them. Any ideas on if I should just wait until January 2011, or not?
I'm new to the forum and I'm also upgrading in December to the iPhone 4. I've been a Blackberry user for a while. I'm a miss my BB, but I'm looking forward to getting my first iPhone! So if you guys have any advice for this first timer. It'll be much appreciated
hi! just got my iphone . im so excited to try the features especially the face time!
waddup. my name is Azylum. not new to the iphone but new to any iphone forum as this is my first. im from Houston and it sucks here, but Texas i absolutely love. i actually started writing this intro with some witty and funny comment, but im so flippin drunk right now i have no idea wherer i was goign with it. so there. i rule.

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