Hello there ... How we all doing this year ?? hope all is well with one and all.
My name is Davie im 30 years old and have been hacking consoles since the PS1 , through to the PSP Xbox360 and so on.
Apple hmm well ill be honest i just thought it was a over rated mp3 player ..... till i got one and jailbroke its apple butt to the next century and wow wow wow what a device , Sony messed up with the PSP big time leaving it vulnerable to hacks and well apple did the same with its I series only device i ever struggled with was and still is a PS3 , but if you need to know how then just ask im sure i can assist if its allowed.
I am well up to date and well trained in Photoshop and have been pondering on I Themes looking for guidance there if you know a trick or two .... have made the odd sig or two like to photo manipulate and have a mad CS5 session.
Most people dont like smokers and me well im a smoker but if it has to be hush hush then it will be.
I live at home in England UK with my wife and two young children , i work shifts and am on late or early depending on my rotor.
Feel free to ask me a question ??
Glad to be here guys.