Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

I'm Jamworth, owner of many iDevices, mainly iPhones. Ranging from the original 2g and up to the 5.

Own and run an iPhone repair service here in the UK.
I'm Jamworth, owner of many iDevices, mainly iPhones. Ranging from the original 2g and up to the 5.

Own and run an iPhone repair service here in the UK.

Welcome to the iPhone Forums, the best iPhone forum anywhere. You will find members from around the world who are willing to help with any questions or problems you may have. If you have a question and a search of the forum threads doesn't provide the answer you need, don't hesitate to ask questions. If you haven't already done so, please take the time to readour rules before posting.
hello I am from the world of rear car radio speaker with a switch to select front/rear or both speakers AM radio in a car wow what an electronic marvel now you know why I chose my user name! I have no idea how to jailbreak my iphone 4 in my day it meant you broke out of jail period. yet I came to learn the iphone 4 for us old folks an easy learning curve.
now I enjoy days filled with whatever I want to do as being retired has so many more benefits than working like as many vacation days as you want.
Hi, I am XaM from Abu Dhabi, here to help people with unlock solutions. Your queries are welcomed!
Joined forum as i have just pre-ordered the iPhone 5c to be delivered on the 20th, cant wait!
Hi Everyone...I've had the 5 for a year and my husband has my previous 4s. Have so much to learn and hope this site will help me.

I downloaded the iOS7 last night. really don't care for the bigger icons, had to edit my wallpaper pictures. Makes my screen smaller.

When editing pictures, I can save the edited version to the phone; however, when I sync to my computer photo albums, the edited pictures go back to the way they were. Is that correct?...I can't sync the edited photos to print?
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welcome new members. heres hoping to more users since the new iphone is launching and the new ios7 just launched.
Hello I'm in Australia-I have IPhone 4S & iPad mini- since updating iTunes recently I have been unable to connect to store!! The program always incurs a problem & closes?!! Any suggestions
Hi I am new to the site. I have an iPhone 4S with a technical problem and I would like guidance which thread would be best suited for getting help. I a video that is stuck on the phone. I've tried syncing and all that but it stays on th ephone, occupying data space. Anybody know who/where would be the best place to find help?
Just got a 4S after 2 Androids , 1 blackberry, and 1 windows phone. A friend insisted iPhone is great for Ham operators. I have to agree that ham apps seem to be better on iPhone, though for developers Android rules! There are definitely things I would love to see changed on IOS, but can get used to it. Eg. On android you had a back button. When you backed all the way out you generally got an exit menu. Without any menu and just closing the app I sometimes wonder if my data was saved. Beyond that there are a few things that seem smart, but I think I would still prefer a few more dedicated buttons.

John Guillory
Hello iphoneforums.net Members !!!!

Great wall to share discussion over iPhone. Love to hear views about upcoming iOS 7 and its supporting iPhone's. Thanks
Hi all iphone forum user. My name is Akki and I am glad to be a part of this forum. I own a Iphone 4 and looking to buy Iphone 5s or 5c. Which one would be better in your opinion. Please Let me know thanks.
I own a Iphone 4 and looking to buy Iphone 5s or 5c. Which one would be better in your opinion. Please Let me know thanks.
The 5c is a scaled down under featured cheap phone that you pay for the brand. The 5s has a few features and at least one serious bug. To be honest the lack of real features made it hard to justify buying the 5, and there are really only a few features added to the 5s from the 5, so upgrading to either isn't justified by me. Technically you will loose a few features with the 5c but gain colored case. A trade off you don't need to make on android phones. But if you want a stranger to be able to post to Facebook and email on your behalf, I highly recommend the 5S. If you hate Siri, want to lower the resell value of your phone, and I forget the other features, perhaps lower your camera quality, pick the 5c!

John Guillory

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