Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

I finally bit the bullet and dumped my android and got the IPHONE 5.. Could not be happier. Just got to get over the learning curve. First Apple Product!!! Just a shout out..

Woohoo!! Congrats on your new iPhone! I did the same several months ago and just love love my iPhone!

Welcome to the Forum--really glad you joined us!


Ski ~
iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
hi im a new user and by signing up i am hoping i can get some help with the iphone 5 i recently bought
Hi People,

I am from Bangalore, India, it is great to be a part of this iPhone forum, my aim is to understand the various functionalists of various iPhone apps
Hi People,

This is Bhaskar from the silicon valley of India!!

Here to understand more about unlocking iphone's

Hi All, Roger Ramjet from Adelaide, South Australia here. Currently own an iPad 3 and iPhone4. Patiently awaiting the news that the 5s is available!!

Also finding loads of great information on this website. Awesome place!
Hi All

New member here.
Had an iPhone since before Noah. Now got a 4S but finding it is really slow.
Looking forward to learning a lot from all the experienced members here so keeping my ear to the ground.
G'day and welcome to bobbycow and all other newcomers!!!

Great forum here and hope your enjoy your time here :)
Hey guys! I just joined because I'm having some issues with my phone. I love my phone, so I look forward to figuring out whats wrong with it. :)
New to iPhone. Coming from Android. I tried an iPhone4 for a few months and wasn't happy with the limited customization. Now I'm sick of the customization and ready for a phone that just works. LOL

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