Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Hi - newbie here. Just transitioned from Blackberry Bold to iPhone 5, 16GB from Verizon. In the learning mode now and it is like taking a sip from a fire-hose! All good though ... it will come with time.
I'm here from iPadForums.net

I first bought my iPhone 3GS the end of last year. Then I bought the iPad mini towards the beginning of this year. I'm good with what I have as price is a factor. My 3GS costs under $20/month with Consumer Cellular, but that's because I connect mostly via Wifi with my at home wireless network.
Found re-furbished iphone 4 at a price I could afford so now I can
join all you rich chaps to find out how it works.
New here guys. Hope to learn some tips and tricks. New to apple since i'm a long time symbian user till 2012. Ip5 is my first apple and enjoying every minute with my baby.
Hi all,

I've just joined the site and wanted advise on what case to buy for my brother's iPhone 5. He does not like a bulky phone so the case has to be slim, smart looking (so I thought leather) and practical (he hates carry too much around with him, hates wallets and watches).

Any suggestions???

Many thanks
Hi everyone! Looking to trade the best apps. Excited to have found the forum :)
Hi all, this is Vincent and I'm a project manager/developer. I am still using iPhone 3GS and iPhon 4S. May be I really miss Steve.
I come from iPadForums.net too. I have an iPad mini and an iPhone 3GS. I've been a member here for I think 2 months, but my memory isn't the greatest and I forget things quickly, so t took me awhile to do this introduction. In fact, by the time I got the email to do an introduction, and got here, I forgot what I was suppose to do and filled out my profile stuff. Then I went back to the email and realized that wasn't what I was suppose to do, so I came back and now here is my introduction. I don't do Rules! I just forget them as soon as I read them. I would OBEY if I could, but after 13 years after having a brain Injury, I still don't remember much of anything, especially RULES! So if you (this site) feels the need to punish me for breaking the rules, you might as well kick me off this site.
I come from iPadForums.net too. I have an iPad mini and an iPhone 3GS. I've been a member here for I think 2 months, but my memory isn't the greatest and I forget things quickly, so t took me awhile to do this introduction. In fact, by the time I got the email to do an introduction, and got here, I forgot what I was suppose to do and filled out my profile stuff. Then I went back to the email and realized that wasn't what I was suppose to do, so I came back and now here is my introduction. I don't do Rules! I just forget them as soon as I read them. I would OBEY if I could, but after 13 years after having a brain Injury, I still don't remember much of anything, especially RULES! So if you (this site) feels the need to punish me for breaking the rules, you might as well kick me off this site.

Our rules are the same as iPadForums.net, but nobody here will "bother" you as long as you don't cuss anyone or post inappropriate content. We're pretty laid back over here. So welcome and enjoy yourself!
I finally bit the bullet and dumped my android and got the IPHONE 5.. Could not be happier. Just got to get over the learning curve. First Apple Product!!! Just a shout out..

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