Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Hello everyone. I'm known as Spencerdl and this is my first iphone. I'm loving it and I got my Wife one as we'll. See you Guys and Gals around
Hi everybody, I am really glad to become a new member of this forum. Hope getting answers and news for all.
My wife and I just received our first Apple phones (4S and 5C). I am sure w:)e will be quite happy with them (once they can be jailbroken). Until then, I sure do miss my Droid!
Hello all and happy holidays to everyone!

My name is Ken Hong! I'm a long-time resident of San Francisco. I'm a very proud and esteemed new owner of the Apple iPhone 5S! This is actually my first-ever foray into the smart phone space, so I'm very excited about what this new technology will bring us!!

In my view, the 5S is truly the intersection where fine art meet world-class engineering and advancement!! In terms of overall looks, feel, style and functionality, it's really something to marvel at. So far anyway, the 5S more than meets my expectations. But I'm still learning and can't wait to become even more proficient in its many varied applications and uses.

At any rate, I look forward to interacting, sharing and learning from this congenial and opened-minded community. BTW, I am now happily retired, after more than 34+ years in corporate America (corporate financial management).

Happy holidays to ALL now!


My name is Christos I am from Greece but I am living in Bratislava /Slovakia.

I have an iPhone 5 for 7 months now.

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