Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

Welcome to the iPhone Forum! Please post an introduction thread.

My Headphones aré in but im not geting any Sound excep when i disconec them. If any body knows how to solve my problem please contact me

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Hi i'm Cham, newbies here 👋😊 looking forward to know new stuff about iPhone 😉

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Hello, I just went from a G3s to a 5c. My wife had a Sony Ericsson, and also get a 5c.

I am a retired educator, and my wife owns an alterations business. I have been subbing for my fourth year, and since September I have been working as a fill-in Intro to Computers class. Fun times!

Hi, I'm Tiffany from South Carolina. I have had iPhones since 2011 (started with the 4S) and now have a 5S. I also have an iPad 3.
Hello to ALL junior members and everyone else. SMILE and ENJOY
Currently have iphone 4 s. Ipad 2 nd generation. Ipad 3, apple tv. Mac air book pro. Apple extreme. Guess we are an Apple family. We like their products.

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hey all im new to this lm a person thats likes to learn about iphones to help mates that have difficulties with them l pretty much can do all of the hardware replacement , so now l need to learn software if you can help let me know

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