What are you ditching for the Verizon iPhone4?

What are you ditching for the Verizon iPhone4?

I'm finally giving up my Droid 1 to make the switch to the iphone! I ordered it last week and it will be here today, so I am anxiously waiting. I absolutely loved my Droid but was never blown away. I feel like I will miss a lot but at this point I am looking forward to the change. Towards the end I was just so annoyed with the battery life and choppy-ness of the screen.

Cant wait!
ditched the Droid X only because my dad didnt like the iPhone 4 and I will just use it for a couple months til my upgrade is due in August and wait for the iPhone 5 =)
LG eNV 2
Wasn't really a 'ditching', I was on the fence between the Android and an iPhone. Once my wife got Hers, I was ordering mine within 2 days.

I ditched the OG Motorola for my Iphone$ and i missed the heck out of it until I jailbroke my Iphone4. Now you would have to pry it from my dead lifeless hands to get it from me LMAO...
I decided on the iPhone from the storm 2 and my wife from the lg versa.
I ditched the OG Motorola for my Iphone$ and i missed the heck out of it until I jailbroke my Iphone4. Now you would have to pry it from my dead lifeless hands to get it from me LMAO...

i came from the droid x and so far the iphone is nice but i really miss my droid :( i had it fully customized...rooted, been through lots of roms and themes overclocked etc...can u customize the iphone 4 as much as the droid? honestly i use it as a toy more than anything just like learning. need some help having someone talking me into keeping the iphone.... :)
I've been on the fence for a long time. I've always used Android and I'm not really sure why I wanted to change. I've had the Eris, Droid 1, Droid X, Thunderbolt and Commando. I just swapped out my Commando today for the Iphone 4. The Commando was a great phone for the work I do, but it had no onboard memory. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing Android, just wanted a little change in my life I guess. :)
I ditched a BB Bold 9650 for the iPhone 4. Tried the DX for a little while ... It stunk as a phone. My problem with the iPhone is that my wife always wants to steal it. And I think my kids would injure me to get on it and play with it - it's like kiddie-crack.

I picked up another iPhone 4 for my wife today. I am going to surprise her tomorrow morning with it.

The iPhone 4 is perfect for me.
Yeah I ditched my cool Blackberry 8530[lol]
for my fist iPhone.
I actually justt signed up with Verizon back in like October and had been hearing some rumors or the iPhone coming to Verizon.
So i bought two Blackberry's just to hold me over untill i could arrord a better phone.
OMG what a world of difference.
It's like the equivalant of the difference between an Atari game system and a XBOX 360. lol
i don't think i will ever buy another type of cell phone again.

I ditched the Thunderbolt. That was my 3rd Android device. This is my second iPhone (had 3GS on AT&T bout a year ago). Just wanted something that works, out of the box.
:mad: and I couldn't get rid of it fast enough!!I truly hated that phone and am now in proverbial 7th heaven!!

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