crowd pleaser said:
i'd paraphrase 'if it's not broke why clone an iPhone into an Android?'.
not been tempted to jailbreak either my adored white ip4 0R my beloved white iad2P for that matter dde1c
First of all...... it's not "fixing something that ain't broke" this is not opinion....this is a fact.
What jailbreaking taking what Apple gave you and "making it better". this is also a fact not opinion.
And "cloning it I to an Android". I don't even know how you came up with that to be honest. But any way.....
As I said before...the ONLY reason anyone has problems after jailbreaking is because they just installed what they think is cool......and don't check compatibility, or simply do not follow instructions. That's it. This is also a "fact" not opinion.
I jailbreak because:
I for one like being able to reply or compose a text message from literally any where on my phone without even opening the messages app.
I like opening the phone app, typing a name (T9 functionality) and tapping send, instead of going through my contact list. much quicker.
I like to quit all apps at one time
I like the fact that I can make any app actually run in the background if I want. (unlike Apple,..who will not allow an iPhone to run apps in the background. Yes...those apps in your switcher are nothing more than you list of recently opened apps, they are not running in the background....only jailbroken iPhone's can do this)
I like that all I have to do is make a quick swipe up from the bottom of the screen to activate the switcher instead of double pressing the home button.
I like the fact that all I have to do to quit a single app is activate the switcher and just drag the app out of the switcher trey, instead of holding on the app, waiting for it to jiggle, then tap the minus sign.
I like the fact that I can just triple press the home button on my lock screen and turn on the led flash light. (and not have to open and app store app)
I like the fact that I can mark read/delete an email rite in notification center as well as reading the whole email.
I like the fact that I can plug my phone into my HD-TV and play music with all album art and music info on my tv screen
I like the fact that simply from pulling down notification center that I have the choice to: Turn on/off wifi, bluetooth, airplane mode, and 3G data, and 2G (1xrtt)
I like the fact that I can choose whether I want to be on 1xrtt or 3G (CDMA network).
I like the fact that by pulling down notification center I can drag a slider to adjust brightness, see how much RAM I have and control music playback.
I like the fact that when I wake my phone up I can just double tap on my clock and open the phone app immediately.
I like the fact that I can swipe up from the bottoms of the screen on my lock screen and open my voice mail app, and from the left side my messages app (well biteSMS actually).
I like the fact that I can just drag from the keyboard space bar to certain keys ony keyboard to make the blinking curser go to the next letter, previous letter or next word or previous word, or highlight a word, or copy/paste a word, and also select/highlight all (much better then that tiny little magnifying glass)
I like the fact that I don't have to type everything in I want to like passwords and stuff. I just drag from the space bar to the "0" key, let go, and my password is entered.
I like that all I have to do is drag from the space bar to the "@" key and my email address be entered instantly.
I like that when I receive a phone call that I don't get interrupted no matter what I'm doing, and I notification banner comes down and I can simply swipe left to ignore it, swipe right to answer it, or just tap the volume button to silence the ringer and continue what I'm doing but still be able to answer it if I want. (can also do this on the lock screen, that way I can unlock my phone and do things....during the incoming call, instead of having no choice but to wait for the call to end to use my phone)
I like that when an alarm goes off I have the option to tap snooze or stop
I like that all I have to do is look at my status bar to know what the the temperature is outside. I also like that tapping on the weather widget in NC only turns on location, instead of opening the weather app.
I really like that when I tap a link by accident in my email app (or any other app), that a popup comes up asking me if I want to switch to Safari, instead of doing it automatically. I found this very annoying.
I really like that all I have to do to get music I want is open an app only available on jailbreaken iPhones, and download any YouTube video I want, and convert it to an mp3 file.
I like that when I get a notification on my lock screen and dont want it there, that all I have to do is swipe to the right, then back to the left, and it goes away.
I also like that when I am downloading something, I can simply swipe right on my status bar and it stops my phone from locking, and instead just dims the screen, tho I also have the choice to background that process so I can let my phone lock while letting that process run (like running a terminal command for example, or loading a web page).
I also like that very time I open the phone app I am greeted to the dial pad.
I also like that the only time I'm not greeted to the dial pad when opening the phone app is when I have a missed call, in which case it automatically opens to the recents tab.
But to each his own I suppose. I like having full control over my device. I know how to control it. I know how to make my phone awesome and not mess up a single thing, and come across virtually no problems at all.
I personally think every little thing I mentioned should have been in iOS by default. Because of Apple's very poor functionality design..,,I felt it was necessary to make these changes......changes that can only be made on a jailbroken iPhone.
Like I said, if you none-jailbreakers could use my phone for a would be all about jailbreaking.
I use to think that all jailbreaking did was make your phone look cooler....I had a few things installed, ended up having all kinds of problems (yup I was dumb and just installed whatever looked cool) then I said screw this...I'm going back to stock.....,it was then that I realized what jailbreaking actually did for me. It saved time......made things easier.....and just had better and "MORE" functionality. And now If I was forced to use a stock IPhone.....I would simply be very disappointed.
"APPLE MADE IT...................I MADE IT BETTER"
Plain and simple.