Wi-Fi connection problems with IOS 11

Wi-Fi connection problems with IOS 11

I'm really confused now. I have downgraded to v10.3.3 but I am still getting the problem.

It seems to connect to Wi-Fi okay but then doesn't seem to be able to download anything.
I've tested the Wi-Fi connection on my laptop and it seems okay.
Mobile data/4G works fine. It's just Wi-Fi data...
Other WiFi networks. Also, have you tried resetting your router.

I've tried switching it on and off a few times, if that is what you mean?

I don't know the passwords to any other Wi-Fi connections in my area. I could try and find one though...
I hope the Wi-Fi hardware in my phone hasn't become faulty. :( It does seem strange that it all started when I upgraded to IOS v11.
If your iPhone can’t connect to other Wi-Fi networks, it’s possible that your problem is hardware-related. Is there an Apple Retail Store near you?. Afaik, their Wi-Fi is free, and you should be allowed to try connecting to it, or they’ll try it themselves, when you ask them to take a look at your iPhone.
If your iPhone can’t connect to other Wi-Fi networks, it’s possible that your problem is hardware-related. Is there an Apple Retail Store near you?. Afaik, their Wi-Fi is free, and you should be allowed to try connecting to it, or they’ll try it themselves, when you ask them to take a look at your iPhone.

Thanks. I might try that. I have a Tesco near me which has a free Wi-F- service, so I'll give that a go.

The phone is fairly new (around a month old) so it would seem really unlucky if the hardware has packed up.
I have also been having the same issue with WiFi. Multiple networks. At home and at work.