I definately think that another carrier should get the iphone, all the other manufacturers have the same phones that just look different on different networks. It would be good to have a little competition for AT&T over the iPhone. Its very possible Verizon would have some of the same problems that AT&T did at first when they first offered the iPhone with service. However it is true that both Verizon and AT&T are going to the same LTE network. I don't think Droid sales would drop off that much. Their opperating system is on so many phones, brands and models, not just one where as Apple only has one phone line whether it be iPhone 3g, 3gs or 4 to offer. One more thing to take into consideration, you can no longer get the unlimited data with AT&T but the capped version of 2GB for $25. That would be something to think about for new iphone users...