Apple iPhone4S vs. LG Esteem Android (4G LTE network). Which one should I chose ?

Apple iPhone4S vs. LG Esteem Android (4G LTE network). Which one should I chose ?

Best way to decide this. Get a pack of cards take out the king of spades and hearts. Put each one in an envelope seal them give to a friend let the friend mix them up real good. Then choose an envelope. King of spades = iPhone. King of hearts = LG. Let your fate dictate.

Sent from my iPhone 4 iOS 5 using Tapatalk
I can't say much for the iPhone/Esteem debate, however I can share my experience with MetroPCS's service, as my wife and I had them for about 4 months. Don't get me wrong, but MetroPCS's prices are great, however their service alone leaves alot to be desired, (at least in the Tampa Bay area). Their "PictureTalk" service here is constantly down, sometimes their whole network will go down, leaving you with no service at all.

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